
BERLIN, 26.05.–31.05.2024

2024’s European Summer Academy will investigate the organizational and entrepreneurial conditions, consequences, potentials, and politics of “care”. In times of economic, environmental and health crises, how we think and organize care – as in caring for e.g. others, neighborhoods, environments, and oneself – is of utmost concern. How, then, is care understood and practiced? What kind of organizational forms and processes does it take? What social and political struggles mark the work of caring? How do these forms and processes take place within the urban landscape; what are its sites, actors, and atmospheres?

Participants will apprehend the city of Berlin as an empirical site of organizing these conditions, concerns, and demands: from everyday practices of care to sites of self-care, from protest movements to feminist initiatives that seek to reorganize the labour of caring, from locations of collective caring to globalized networks, from entrepreneurial initiatives to the bureaucratic enforcement of care.

Photo credit: Photo by Pavel Nekoranec on Unsplash
