Instagram as organizational tool – Conclusion
None of us really knew what to expect before entering this virtual Summer Academy. ⅓ sad not to be in Berlin, ⅓ confused and scared of the virtual awkwardness, ⅓ curious what this virtual context would unveil. We were lucky and directly got along the first day. All very different but all motivated to make this new type of group work a success we all enjoyed our topic and everyday revealed new aspects of the technology we didn’t think about in the past. Everyday was full of improvised “field work” and of constructive discussions, making us aware of so many “hidden” facets of this technology we use in our daily life.
Over the past few days we have analysed the power of Instagram as an organizational tool in today’s society. This platform, which has developed to become one of the most used social apps worldwide and which has proven to be modular and to adapt in times of crisis. With an ever growing range of features, Instagram is today a platform on which practically everything is shared. And there are definitely many things to come in terms of development and influence of Instagram on our way to organize life and social relations.
It was extremely interesting to study the evolution of the social, the perception of the self and the “hidden” not so hidden influence of instagram on our taste, our shopping habits, our thoughts and feelings. Both giving the feeling of safety and belonging as well as evil and destructive Instagram has so many different faces, we unconsciously know but ignore to be part of a bigger thing.
With love,
Aurora De Martin, Emaele de Quatrebarbes, Lara Schulte, Marco Ubalducci & Selma Vuckic